7/6 – Covid changed our plans for us. Since we could not board the ship for the cruise we planned, we decided to head back to Italy. Since Milan was a quick 4 hour train ride and it was also to be our next stop, we decided to search for an apartment there. Found one in an area that was new to us so once we test negative, we can do a little sightseeing in a different part of Milan.
The train ride was easy and not crowded for quite a while. We were in 1st class so that gave us more room and anyone sitting around us was masked. Same train, same people, same conductors: masks NOT required in Switzerland; masks required on trains in Italy! The day was gorgeous so the ride was beautiful and we got to see everything on a sunny day rather than a rainy day the entire time as we did going to Basel. The ride to Milan was a different route so that made it interesting as well. For those who are aware, the route up took us between Lakes Como and Maggiore and the route home was West of Lake Maggiore only. As you can see, the scenery is absolutely beautiful.

By the way, you know how I love putting in funny stories about our adventures? Well, we were heading out of Basel and made a stop in Bern and an Italian couple got on and sat across the aisle from us. Well the train started to go and Jim and I both realized it was going back in the same direction from which we just came, like we were headed back to Basel so we freaked out thinking we were on the wrong train or were supposed to get off and change trains! The woman saw my face and knew I was concerned and heard us speaking English so she told her husband to help us. He did and explained that we were on the correct train but it was taking a different route and we were going around to Milan on the other side of Switzerland! He told us every stop the train was going to make. Phew, that made us feel a lot better.
After several stops, the train was filling up but we lucked out with empty seats around us. Got to Milan on time and walked out of the train station so we could see which direction we needed to walk. Here we go shlepping bags again. I told Jim ok we are shipping another package home – the clothes we brought for the cruise and are not wearing; time for them to leave and hopefully send one of our bags home as well. We can put our clothes in one bag and then just have the smaller bags for our laptops! Hey Jim isn’t that a great idea? Yep, sure is Fran 🙂 (Jim: Yup, let’s see. Cost of trip: X; cost to ship stuff home instead of carry it in bags: 2 X!)

Checked into our apartment and immediately walked down the street to get some food so we could eat at home while we isolate for a while. I don’t mind cooking when I can find what I need and this worked out just perfect.

Taking a while to test negative but at least we feel good and never had a fever, just a nasty cough which we all know seems to take forever to lose! Here’s hoping we test negative soon so we can continue our sightseeing adventures. Can’t wait to jump on the trolleys. We used them extensively, along with the METRO and busses, during our previous visits. Until then, goditi il ​​fine settimana (enjoy the weekend.) By the way, it’s 31º C here. Okay, okay – make that 87º F at 6:00 PM, but the humidity is 17%. Ciao, ciao!

Fran, love your detailed description of your train ride and Milan. Hope you’ve lost that cough by now. When the next post?
Not sure. this one is harder to write so it’s taking me a while to get this one done! Glad you are enjoying the rest of the blog.