We have been preparing for this trip for over 3 years and cannot believe it is finally coming to fruition! My blog will take you along with us from Catania, Sicily ending in Milan with stops all over Italy. Some areas will be shorter stays with only a few days but others will be 3-4 weeks. Since this is not our first time in Italy, our focus will be more on the foods available in the different parts of Italy. However we will be seeing some beautiful sights as well and I will put as much on my blog as I can each day. Of course if you don’t like to eat Italian food, you may not enjoy the food sections of my blog. I’m hoping that is not the case 🙂
We will begin our travel blog April 6th or 7th. There will be space to comment on our trip and it will show me who is enjoying our travels. This will be an extended trip and we will not return to Georgia until August 10th! We are beyond excited and looking forward to a wonderful trip which will include a river cruise from Basel, Switzerland to Antwerp, Belgium.

I wish you the best of everything from safe flights to wonderful weather. Keep us posted as to the people you meet, as well. Notice how the pandemic changed the people in their perspective to tourism.
Wishing you wonderful travels, lots of happy memories and good food too! I’ll enjoy the trip through your eyes and tastes since I won’t be joining you like the other times.
Will be living vicariously with you during your adventure!
buon viaggio!
Sharon T
I’m so happy for both of you! Enjoy every moment.
Florence is one of my favorites!!! What a trip you have planned. Have a blast!!