When Michele and Simon left Rome to head back to Atlanta, it was time for Jim and me to head back to Palermo. We enjoyed our time spent with Michele and Simon and actually seeing Italy through their eyes! Simon being the history buff definitely taught us all a few things and it was very interesting. Both of them really appreciated all the sights and definitely the food and wine and they made the trip fun for us as well.
Once back in Palermo, we picked up some fruit and veggies and relaxed at the apartment. Time to re-energize. Chad and Juli arrived in Palermo on Saturday as well and they have a lovely apartment not far from us. They are seeing the sights on their own since they have never been here and we’ve been to most of areas of interest between our visit in 2014 and the week here with Simon and Michele. Plus we are going to be here another two weeks and can see more. On our Saturday evening passeggiata (walk) to look for a church nearby, we found one on the next block and attended it the next morning. We were actually surprised as there were far more people at Mass in this church than we had seen in the cathedrals in 2014 or even last weekend.

Our local church – Saint Lucy – more modern than most in Italy but it still has a lot of marble
We got together for lunch on Sunday. As you have seen, we’ve done a few of the “big, long lunch and no supper” thing and since we were back with Chad and Juli on their first visit to Palermo, we did it again, after which we have slowed way down, eating more reasonably nowadays.

Mussels and pasta — guess who had this for lunch!

Prawns and calamari – quite common in Sicily

And Jim had the grilled orato, or seabream
We then did some looking around and we headed back to our place. On Monday morning Jim and I met them and we all went to the market. Chad picked up the food for my birthday lunch and it was absolutely delicious. Light and yummy. It’s truly amazing the things you can do with fresh veggies. I told everyone since it was my birthday I was doing nothing! It actually worked. Chad cooked, Juli cleaned up and Jim helped. I sat down and watched, enjoying the fact that I was doing nothing!

Squash blossoms from the Mercato il Capo, one of the big markets in Palermo

il capocuoco, Chad, the head chef for my birthday lunch. It was the only apron we had!

And the lunch: squash blossoms stuffed with ricotta, tomatoes, zucchini, and broccoli
After lunch we went for gelato and it was a very nice ending to a very nice meal. Again we split up and went to our own apartments. The time flies by each day and sometimes I think to myself “what did I do today?” Oh yeah, not much but I had fun and that is all that matters. We walk a lot and see different things every day and so far I haven’t been shopping. There is still Florence for that 🙂 However if I am being honest, I really don’t have room in my bag to shop and I do not want to buy another bag. I did not plan to do any shopping but then a girl can change her mind so let’s see how this one plays out. Milan in 2014 had a big last day so who knows what will happen this year.
Tuesday, the 13th, Jim was up early, checking out the neighborhood (it is called Borgo Vecchio, or Old Village — an older part of town) which is lively all day long. He noted this tall smoke stack — there are three or four in the neighborhood. He was reminded that the folk in Palermo are particularly proud of their pane or bread, and guessed that at the bottom of these stacks are the wood-fired forno or ovens where the locals make bread.

Smoke stack or chimney from the wood-fired ovens where the locals make bread.
Later, while walking back to the apartment, a little car passed us. The guy stopped and opened his door and the door was loaded with speakers! Yes speakers! I had never seen this before but it turns out this is the little monster that keeps us up late on weekends with his totally booming music and bass that will wake the dead! Needless to say this character is not my favorite person around here! It’s hard to get sleep when it’s louder than loud outside. Apparently this is the way to entertain yourself from about 10pm to maybe 3 or 4am! Good chance of us getting out of dodge this weekend and seeing another area of Italy. It’s pretty easy to get from one place to another and not costly at all. Makes it nice for us.
On Wednesday, we ventured over to Chad and Juli’s apartment where Chad cooked supper. He had olives, bread, veal and pomodori (tomatoes) and again, performed like a Top Chef.

Chad’s veal – meraviglioso (marvelous!)

And the pomodori – fresh and equally as good
The next day, we were pretty much on our own again until that evening when we all went to the Palermo Cathedral where the diocese held a musical in honor of Padre Pino Puglisi. Father Puglisi is famous here for fighting the mafia, preaching and otherwise being active to convince the folk in Palermo to resist the mafia. Ultimately, the mafia killed him now 15 years ago and he became a martyr in the church. Rumor has it he told the guy who shot him “I’ve been expecting you.” While waiting for the musical to begin, we caught the tail end of a mass being conducted by the Archbishop of Palermo and boy oh boy were the choir and the organ music wonderful. For the musical, there must have been 10 different bands with as many styles of music playing.

The roof of the cathedral as the musicians were tuning up for the concert.
Today, Friday, is the last day Chad and Juli will be in Palermo and with us. They fly over to Rome tomorrow and will spend about five days there before flying home to Atlanta. We of course had to celebrate their visit with us in Italy with lunch – this time at a restaurant down by the water.

Antipasti of fried fish and calamari.

Jim’s meal of grilled fish, this time Sicilian sgombro, or mackerel

Chad had grilled calamari

Juli had pasta and clams

And I had pasta and shrimp

To top things off, my dolce (sweet) was sorbetto di limone

Chad and Juli, last full day in Palermo, enjoying a nice, seafood lunch on the harbor.
Tomorrow, Saturday, Chad and Juli head to Rome and we head over to Santa Flavia for the weekend, in part to get away from the weekend noise here in the “hood” but also to see more of Sicily. We have a nice apartment overlooking the water but more on that in our next post. Meanwhile, buon viaggio to Chad and Juli, to include wishes for a nice flight home.
When we got back to the apartment, Jim snapped a photo or two of the local traffic. Gotta love the way they park here and yet the cars, scooters, bicycles and people all get by without hitting anyone.

Amazing, simply amazing!

On down the same street. And we think it’s bad in the States!
So, that’s it for this part of our stay in Palermo. Off to Santa Flavia tomorrow and then we’ll be back for more exciting adventures in Palermo. Stay tuned. Ciao.