A not too long input from Jim on his 70th birthday!
Stamattina (this morning) I took an early morning walk first thing. Five kilometers. While out, I was reminded that while most of the world is modernizing quickly – electric this, solar that, cars, windmills for electricity, etc., there remain pockets of the past. Fran and I have enjoyed an atmosphere of the “days antico” here in Monteferrante and while walking and driving around the countryside. But when I came upon two gentile vecchio (elderly people) while walking, drawn to their location by the smell and sight of wood smoke, the fact that there remain some of the old ways really came home. I am sure the photos below will tell the story by themselves.

Lots of tomatoes, old-fashioned pot fired by wood and the water is boiling
We fully realized this is harvest time, at least for pomodori (tomatoes) and peperoncini (chili peppers) since we have been eating a lot of them and the fact that several of our cousins have been jarring tomatoes and tomato sauce, but this morning, I observed the old ways, as you see.

And on goes the old, wooden cover to help the tomatoes cook.
Fran and I are not your typical turisti (tourists.) Our trips have been more directed to living with and like the locals, whether in a small town like Monteferrante or in cities like Milano or Palermo. In a full two weeks here, we have left town only four times – one must sightsee a bit! We visited several small towns and went to the businesses of Antonino and Gabriella and Carlo and Cinzia, to include having lunch on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Here though, we have taken our daily walks, sat on the benches talking with the locals and in this short time, participated in five festivals. And there are still three festivals to go before we leave on the 30th. Fortunately, Chad, Juli, Michele, Connie and Simon will be with us for those. When approached by locals and visiting Americans, we politely correct them when they ask how our vacation is going. We tell them we are in penzione (retired) and our time is truly ours. We can stay or leave as we desire, and are not governed by time limits or requirements to return to work. It truly is a blessing to us. And we recognize how fortunate we are. At 70 years old, we both truly appreciate the opportunities we have had to see America and the world.
Oggi (today) Chad and Juli arrive and we have already promised to assign Chad to cooking duties with our resident professor of culinary arts, Vincenzo, and to our other cousin chefs here in the house (Adolfo, Gabriella and Alice) for the duration of our visit. My only concern is that they will not be able to keep up with Adolfo and me as we drink the Montepulciano d’Abruzzo wine during the meals and the Grappa after!

Vincenzo, chef and professor of culinary arts, at his best
Connie, Michele and Simon arrive Friday which brings to Monteferrante the largest contingent of family to ever visit Monteferrante! And the only family to visit relatives here since Nonno (Grandpa) Berardinelli came in 1970 and 1974. Next visit we hope to have Jimmy, Cindy and Sarah come with us.
Tante grazie (thank you very much) for sharing our adventure.
Pablo and I send our Birthday wishes to you! We know you guys are having a blast!